الرئيسية / الاخبار / University of Kirkuk Scholarships

University of Kirkuk Scholarships

The University of Kirkuk is announcing a free scholarship program for non-Iraqi students (Arab and Foreign students). All the required information about the scholarship program is available as shown below.

For Foreign students from non-Arab Countries:


For Students from Arab Countries:



‎قد يُعجبك أيضاً

زيارة وفد الملحقية الثقافية العراقية إلى جامعة UniKL واستكشاف برنامج هندسة صيانة الطائرات Visit of the Iraqi Cultural Attaché Delegation to UniKL and Exploration of Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Program

الحدث : زيارة رسمية المكان : جامعة UniKL – مجمع هندسة صيانة ...